The weekend at work turned into more physical "work" than this older body has become accustomed to. Yesterday morning before returning to work the body was really complaining in all of the joints and muscles. But the job got done and the big show that opens today will be one more for the line stretching back into the early '70's.
Unless you have ever worked the setup of a trade show, you have no idea how totally chaotic it can seem to an outsider. This is the industry I have called home now for 34 years this month. The constant movement over the first 2/3rds of that career, all on concrete usually carrying heavy weight, is now catching up with my desk bound (mostly) body...Where did the time fly.
From the look of the yard, I'll need to spend a bit of time this week riding the Deere. Mind you, I am not a fanatic about lawns (one of the reasons I discovered a decided unfitness for life in the "master planned communities" the developers around here call their suburbs. I like my "civilized" nature a little ragged around the edges. I am not much of a string-trimmer kind of guy. It usually drives the immediate neighbors a bit wild...In this climate though, at this time of year at least you have to ride the Deere at least every other week. Later in the season the weekly ride is almost too little. And, just for the record, I refuse to fertilize and water lawn grass. I know, not very neighborly of me in this "yard beautiful" world.
Oh well, gotta run...May your Monday be Un-Mondayish.
My Blog List
Hensley Settlement (Miracle, KY) | Kentucky Life | KET - Hensley Settlement is an Appalachian living history museum on Brush Mountain, Bell County, Kentucky in the United States. The settlement is part of the ...1 year ago
New Music… At Least To Me - I was reading my friend Gary Myers’ blog post this morning and followed a music link. While the song he posted was really good, it was a link in the recomm...3 years ago
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Owl Day at the Endless Mountains Nature Center - Owl Day Sunday, October 28, 1-4 pm At the EMNC Lodge & grounds Live owl program, owl crafts, nature walk, new bird exhibits, and refreshments will keep you...12 years ago
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Managing My Virtual Visits To The Blue Ridge - I have been spending quite a bit of time the past few weeks trying to acquire a schedule I can live with. Between site updates and new research to learn mo...13 years ago
An Aerial View of the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky - This is the type of scene that comes to mind whenever I think about the Appalachian Mountains… [wpramazon asin=”B0033DX2QK”]13 years ago
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