The morning email brings some news from the mountains...
I see that ASU made the Washington Post today...
Appalachia Helps Where D.C. FailsNow that is putting a Spring Break to good use. Way to go ASU.
Unlike many college students who spend their spring break partying, about a dozen students from Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C., are going to seize the "chance to give back to the community," according to a news release from the D.C.-based National Center for Children and Families.The center said the students, supported by Appalachian State's Alternative Spring Break program, will leave their school, in the heart of the Appalachian mountains, to volunteer their services to "one of our nation's most economically distressed areas."
Their spring break excursion will take them to Southeast Washington -- specifically to J.C. Nalle Elementary School in the Marshall Heights community of Ward 7. Once there on Monday, the students are expected to work through the week with children in kindergarten through fifth grade, as well as on various projects around Nalle.
Source: Colbert I. King - Appalachia Helps Where D.C. Fails -
I was sitting here musing about how so many of the blogs I frequent are by authors, some newly published, some with many books on the shelves, some with only the beginnings in their minds. I think that is one of the thing that makes blogging deferent than other forms of publishing. In the world of books you are presented with a polished piece of art, if you assume writing is art. Whereas with blogging you usually get an insight into the thought processes of the author. You will discover in the ongoing conversation, and that's what most of these blogs I read become, the reasons behind the words. You become privy to the person behind the pages not just the words upon the page.I have always wanted to know more about the authors I read, especially the ones I keep coming back for more from. Pre-internet that wasn't always easy. Even in the early years of the internet you only found publisher bios of the author, sometimes the author would set up a web page, sometimes they would even update it occasionally. But with the advent of blogs you begin to really get to know the person behind the words. You begin to see what they are passionate about, what just ticks them off. They become a person not just a name on a cover, sometimes a friend and not just an acquaintance. Makes life much more interesting, don't you think?
The really great thing is watching some of these "bloggers" just getting started. They begin with a bit of hesitation. They wander around looking for a path to follow that matches up with their particular version of the "muse". Then you begin to see it in their post, they are finding their voice, their passion. They begin to speak with a clearer sense of what it is they want to say.
With any luck I will find my voice here someday. Right now I am stumbling around the language hoping I don't stub my toe too badly. Until such a time that I actually start to make sense, thanks for stopping by and listening to the mumbles that show up here.
...Sorry, I got distracted by the light on this foggy morning. I am sure the sight of an overweight, middle aged ex-hippie wandering around in a field with a camera and a tripod wearing house shoes and jogging (ha) shorts was a sight I am glad I could not see...
Here are a couple of apple blossom images hot of the printer, so to speak.

Dew covered Apple Blossom Buds.

And dew covered Apple Blossoms.
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