Friday afternoon I made a run south to the Brazoria NWR, I left the house about 3pm in sunshine and scattered clouds, by the time I arrived the fog was so thick visibility was down to under a quarter of a mile. In all of the fun this weekend I haven't even downloaded the photo's yet.
Saturday and Sunday were spent trying to right the American economy...Just kidding (mostly). We wer out and about doing the family Christmas shopping and the American economy is in trouble if it is depending on us. This is probably the latest the wife has waited to get obsessed over presents so the obsession levels are pretty high. And somewhere in all of this it was decided that she needed homemade cookies to take to work. With ten pounds of sugar cookie mix, $10 worth of icing cans (with cute little nozzles), $20 dollars worth of new cookie sheets, and a couple of hours on Saturday night we turned out a two dozen cookie test batch. Boy is this gonna be an expensive couple of dozen sugar cookies...
We were up and running early Sunday to beat the crowds to the Mall...While the two ladies did their shopping thing I did my annual watching of the crowd. Lordy, if this seasons shoppers aren't a sour bunch. I don't think I saw a single smile in the entire place (except that fake one on the face of the one salesperson chasing me down the mall wanting me to sample their aromatherapy heated pad thing...Come-on it was 75 degrees in the Mall and you want to put a heating pad on my shoulders, Not). Oh, well...I've had worse experiences at Christmas time so I'll count my blessings.
The weathermen (weatherpeople?) are trying todampen my hopes for a repeat of 2004. I know a once in a century (or longer) Christmas snowstorm is a lot to ask for on the Texas Gulf coast, but it sure would be nice...
So in the spirit of the holidays here's the image of our house I used on last years Christmas card. Taken on Christmas morning 2004...

Merry Christmas All
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
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