Blogger Beta actually let me post a photo yesterday. Will it let me today? Sadly, I haven't been able to post from Picasa yet which is my method of choice. Oh well, this too will come to those who persevere. If you get down to the bottom of this post and see a picture be happy for me, life is blessed by the little things.
Leave it to a poet to really put Fred First's book into perspective. Tom Montag, The Middlewsterner posted an "Appreciation" of Slow Road Home over the weekend that has me chomping at the bit to dive back in and reread Fred's book...
SLOW ROAD HOME*The Middlewesterner.
The question is raised
in some quarters: all these bloggers scribbling, like all the monkeys in the zoo pounding typewriters, can anything ever come of it? Well, if the blogger is Fred First and the blog is Fragments from Floyd, the answer is yes, yes. Out of his blogging, which arises from his life and his place, Goose Hollow in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Fred has created Slow Road Home: A Blue Ridge Book of Days.* A second edition is already in the works for this collection of short essays, many of them blog-post length, about 750 words, all gathered around a theme: this man finding his way in his place.
If you haven't visited Tom's Blog you should, I discovered it a whileback on Fred's and Patry's link lists (and probably others also). When ever I see the same link on sites of folks whose writings I admire I have to check them out, 'cause usually I find a common interest.
Well as you see Beta worked again...Not.
Third times the charm...

This is Fulton Harbour, Fulton, Texas
I am a map nut and this just caught my eye on Lifehacker...
See the world as history's cartographers once saw it. A new batch of Google Earth overlays covers the globe with richly detailed historical maps.
The Rumsey collection includes 16 maps. Among them you'll find a 1790 world globe, a 1680 map of Tokyo, and an 1814 map spanning the Pacific Ocean to the Mississippi--courtesy of Lewis and Clark.
To view these new old maps, you'll need the latest version of Google Earth (use the program's check-for-updates feature if you're not sure you have it). In the layers section, select All Layers, then look for Featured Content > Rumsey Historical Maps.
Pardon me while I scoop my jaw off the floor. This may just be the coolest Google Earth feature ever. I absolutely love historical maps, and there's never been a better way to view and interact with them. Thanks, Jatin!— Rick Broida
Google Earth goes back in time - Lifehacker -...
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