Last evening before bed I decided to walk out and enjoy some of this nice fall weather before it grinds to a halt. I wondered out to the center of the field behind the house and heard an uncommon sound for this neighborhood, the hoot of an owl. Just for the fun of it I decided to answer. And thus started a conversation that lasted for over an hour and was joined by at least one other owl. With the occasional flash of a lightning bug (firefly to those of you in the mountains) to place accent on the comment of one of us or the other, we talked of kings and things of world wide importance. I must admit, I found I could agree with just about everything my guest had to say. But then, how do you argue with "hoo, hoohoo, hoo, hoo" or "hoohoo-hoohoo---hoohoo-hoohoo"?
As the night was very dark with just a sliver of a moon low on the western horizon, I cannot identify my visitors. From the size as they ghosted overhead, I expect they were either Great Horned or Barred Owls. They would sit at the top of a tree and talk back at me for a while then fly across me to a tree on the other side and continue the conversation. Most likely they were a mated pair, and like most married couples just being sociable by not leaving me out of the conversation.
When I came back to the house and informed my wife of my conversation, well, let's just say she wasn't thrilled to hear I had a visit with an owl or two. I guess you could say their are some old wives out there whose tails still have credence even after all these years of civilizing influences. Go figure...Any-hoo, I hope my new friends come and visit again I would love to drab a photo as they float overhead.
Late note: After listening to the call recordings on the sites above it would appear that my visitors were Great Horned Owls.
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