For the first time this year I could stand out and watch the sun set without wiping my brow or my lens...I love it. Too bad it wont last. The rain blew through this morning but the clouds are still hanging on. It is clearing to the west or the photo above wouldn't have happened. The weather folks are predicting a low in the 60's (I know it'll be 69 but let a guy dream will ya...). I think it may be time to follow John Scalzi's lead and cut back on the political blogs...They are eating up way to much time and they just piss me off.
It's good to see Marie Freeman posting again. I need a semi regular visual fix from Valle Crucis, NC, the semi annual vacations are never long enough.
I am really enjoying my new Nikon D80. So far I haven't found anything to complain about...Catch ya down the road.
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