I generally try to keep the politics I feel strongly about off of this sight. I think though that this is a message that needs to be said loudly and often between now and November...It is time for a change!
Daily Kos: But Enough About Us ...: "The message is the message.
Let's make it even simpler, shall we? The oh-so-mysterious message to elected officials is: People are sick unto death of war, of unresponsive representation, of incompetence, of corruption, of ever-more-intrusive government, of a spiraling deficit, of lobbyist-owned and corporation-sponsored politicians, of a power-hungry president, of six years of attempts to pass stick-up-the-ass moralizing legislation telling us when and how we can die and when and how we can reproduce. Get out of our personal lives, get the hell out of Iraq and do your freaking job - run the government competently, economically and fairly. Period."
I have to agree. Get the corporations out of the congress. The one and only thing Texas has right (and it caught Tom Delay) is you don't let the corporations give money to politicians, ever. Once the politicians are able to collect from those fictional persons that manage to get many millions back from the government you are asking for trouble. Sadly you will almost never be disappointed. I don't care if they are Republicans or Democrats, the answer is almost always the same...give em more money. Our elected officials keep wanting to raise the amounts that can be given in campain funds, I think they are wrong. The amounts should be lowered to the point that no one can give anymore than the lowest paid person in the country. I am sorry but the voice of the rich corporate officer should not carry anymore weight than the voice of the person cleaning the toilets.
Once upon a time the aristocrats of this country had a conscience and really put the people first. Now most of the moneyed elites just look out for themselves and look down upon those who think about others.
It is time America returned to her roots and once again becomes a country that stands for freedom and fairness.
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