Since I am cursed with an omnivorous appetite to read (thank God for the internet), I have read many books on a variety of subjects. There has always been a place in my heart for those few books I have stumbled across that weren’t widely read, but really spoke of a certain place in space and time and the authors connection there.
I have been following Fred’s journey for a relatively short time on his blog. It was his photo’s that first brought me in, but, it was the story which kept me coming back. And the audacity of his publishing his own book caused me to take him up on his pre-publication offer to pay the postage and order the book. I am very glad I did. I devoured the first half of the book and had to force myself to slow down and savor the remainder.
To give an idea of how much I was impressed by the word pictures I was seeing, I would divide my reading between the book itself and the archives at “Fragments From Floyd”. It was this reading and others that led me to begin to find my own voice and start this blog. You will find references to different conversations I found there in my archives and on Fred’s site. In many ways I find myself following in Fred’s footsteps, at 52 it’s nice to have someone up ahead breaking path. And his emails and blog posts are like calling back encouragement to those of us who are following.
Fred, keep strolling through the woods, keep taking photos, and keep writing. There are those of us out in the virtual community growing out of
And if you find yourself going over to visit with the Floyd County folks, tell 'em Gary sent ya...
Well thank you kindly, Gary, for the good words and the encouragement that the seeds are not falling entirely on stony ground.
Speaking of seeds, as I read the title of this post at this moment, it reads "Sow Road Home"--a reference to the fact that it's garden-planting time, perhaps? -G-
Time may come when you'll drive down Goose Creek for a literal front porch visit. Ya never know. We'll leave the light on for ya.
Thanks for the spell check Fred; sorry it had to be your title that I misspelled. Being a fumble fingered typist at best, I try to always use the spell check feature. Unfortunately,
I usually spell check the body text…lesson learned.
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