I spend my days in a darkened room staring at twin windows on the electronic world. My twin windows are the twin 20” monitors on which I design my projects before sending them through the cable that ties my machine to the others in this network of interconnected ideas.
My job titles me a design manager, but how does one really manage designs? My actual job has me spending my days (to borrow the corporate branding speak) “designing environments and graphical interfaces that facilitate face to face marketing”. Which means, I design displays and graphics for exhibits, tradeshows and conventions? The illustration on this post will give you a slight idea of what I do…I tend to reinvent myself regularly, though, keeping the myth growing.
I came to this position primarily because I was always a computer geek even before there were computer geeks…and since I was originally a builder of modular exhibits working without the benefits of a designer or detailer to illustrate what we were putting together, I taught myself to draw them, first by hand and then by computer. I was always drawn to drawing and sketching, so the discipline of drafting was a natural progression. The reason I started to draw the exhibits we were building was to be able to communicate the setup instructions to the installation crews in my absence. Over the course of the years my primary work load has shifted from a mainly production bent to primarily a design focus, so that now almost all of my work is done in a virtual world…And, since the ankles and knees no longer appreciate the pounding of the concrete on the tradeshow floor for days and miles on end, I guess the virtual world will do until I can put myself into the real world of the mountains I dream of.
My Blog List
Hensley Settlement (Miracle, KY) | Kentucky Life | KET - Hensley Settlement is an Appalachian living history museum on Brush Mountain, Bell County, Kentucky in the United States. The settlement is part of the ...1 year ago
New Music… At Least To Me - I was reading my friend Gary Myers’ blog post this morning and followed a music link. While the song he posted was really good, it was a link in the recomm...3 years ago
Images from folder 2006 06 june family reunion - Gary Boyd updated gallery 'Images from folder 2006 06 june family reunion' [image: Images from folder 2006 06 june family reunion]4 years ago
Women of These Hills - I just had this video show up in my home page at YouTube… Check it out…4 years ago
December Snow 2017 - Once again mother nature threw us a surprise weather event… A December Snow. Though this on came earlier than the one in the previous post.7 years ago
2013 West Virginia Wildlife Calendars Are Now Available - Every year I get requests for this calendar… Here is the info you need to order your new calendar for 2013… SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. – “The 2013 West Vir...12 years ago
Owl Day at the Endless Mountains Nature Center - Owl Day Sunday, October 28, 1-4 pm At the EMNC Lodge & grounds Live owl program, owl crafts, nature walk, new bird exhibits, and refreshments will keep you...12 years ago
Mountain Maryland’s Best Kept Secrets – Secret Tunnels - Shhh… The Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Cumberland, Md., is known for its familiar steeple and beautiful architecture. But underneath all that beauty lies a...12 years ago
Managing My Virtual Visits To The Blue Ridge - I have been spending quite a bit of time the past few weeks trying to acquire a schedule I can live with. Between site updates and new research to learn mo...13 years ago
An Aerial View of the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky - This is the type of scene that comes to mind whenever I think about the Appalachian Mountains… [wpramazon asin=”B0033DX2QK”]13 years ago
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