Lunch time musing

I was setting here going thru my blogroll and trying to figure out how I ended up getting involved with all of these folks. I remember originally doing a Google search on "Blue Ridge Mountains" and ending up at Marie's Blue Ridge Blog. Her photos kept me coming back for a good while before I expanded my blog list (a bit of history is in order I guess, I have had a website for about 10 years now and I've been reading blogs since the early years of Scripting News and Radio. I was reading Ev and Megnut before Google got involved in blogs, so I am not totally in the dark about these things called blogs).
Anyway, on with the thread, once I had been reading (mostly enjoying the photos) Marie for a while I started perusing her links. That led to Fred First and Goose Creek in Fragments From Floyd and the whole Floyd County Blog Gang (Loose Leaf Notes, Blue Ridge Muse, and Ripples) which became a community I enjoyed visiting. Thanks to Fred , Colleen, Doug and David for letting me stop by to visit.
It was thru this core that my Blogroll has expanded. When I am online with time to kill, I will start running through some sites link list to see if they have anyone I haven't read who says something that resonates with me. My blog's links (now a real Blogroll because they really do make it easy to keep your links up without a lot of programming) do not follow any type of pattern. I tend to read widely and be attracted to sites that are very diverse, so you never know what you might run into on my Blogroll.
What started this thought perking today was that while I was reading Cedar Press Hill, there was Fred. When reading comments on Fred's site, there was Judith Polakoff. It seems like I run into Pablo from Roundrock Journal all over the place.
And round and round it goes.

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